Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Ugly Number 30

So I'm 30 today - I'm officially old.

I have to say, I've been dreading this day for quite some time.  I mean, seriously, 30 seems like such an OLD number! (Sorry to those of you that have already experienced this number, but come on, you know it's true).  I've always pictured people this age as old, mature, put together, and progressing in their life - but I don't feel like that at all!  I'm probably more unstable right now than I have ever been at any time in my 20's - I'm single, no job, and living in my grandma's basement.  Real impressive, huh?

But today, I just couldn't feel sorry for myself when I looked back at all the wonderful things I have in my life - a wonderful family that loves me, gobs of wonderful, supportive friends, a possible job opportunity doing something that I love,I've traveled the world, and many more blessings that I can't even list.

I realize that I'm nowhere near to where I thought I would be in life, but I'm OK with that b/c I know that I'm where God wants me to be.  And where better to be than in the hands of God.  He's got plans far greater than I can ever imagine and I can't wait to see what He has in store.

So even though I've been dreading this day - now that it's come, I'm going to do my best to embrace it and make it a memorable decade.  Besides, I hear that the 30's are the new 20's... ;)

Watch out 30's - here I come!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A beautiful Minnesota morning

I woke up this morning to the most BEAUTIFUL view!  Everything was frosted over and looking as fresh and sparkly as ever.  It was Saturday, sunny, warm (ish) and nothing was going to ruin the day.  I just love days like this!

Here are a few pictures of what I saw when I looked out my window today - I just had to take some pictures - everything was breathtaking, but these pictures really don't even do it justice.

Do you see the size of these icicles?!?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Hard at work

I've really been slacking on this blogging thing - haven't quite gotten in the habit of it yet.  But I haven't been slacking in the sewing department - just finished 3 this week, and will finish a 4th one yet today (hopefully!).

Here are a few pics of what I've been working on.

Let me know what you think!  Happy Friday everybody!

Monday, February 8, 2010

First Sale!

Woohoo!  I made my first sale on Etsy!

I've only made one, but it's a start and enough to get me moving forward and excited to see what is ahead.  I have a couple ideas for new designs, but I think I'm going to make a few more with the same patterns that I already have.  Now that I have those patterns down pretty well, I'm ready to start and attack some of the yummy fabrics that I have been waiting to cut apart.

Now I have some real work ahead of me... =)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Etsy Store!

I opened my new shop today - yeah!

My shop is called Dancing Dahlias and is listed through an incredible site called Etsy.  In case you haven't been fortunate to hear about it before, this site is for all crafters that want to sell them creations.  I discovered it a little over a year ago and am totally addicted.  I've made several purchases there, and just recently bought some rings - great quality, super cute, and way cheaper than I could find in a store so that is always a plus!

I've been saying for a couple months now that I wanted to open my shop but it has taken me until today to actually go through with it.  There was so much research that I had to do - way harder to go into business for myself than I thought it would be!  First I had to get a business license, then a Tax ID#, then figure out tax rates and laws, etc.  Then of course I had to make the purses - had some trial and error, but I'm finally getting better at it.  After that I took tons of pictures, edited them, wrote descriptions, and got around to uploading them - yeah!  I only put up two today, but will be uploading new ones throughout the day tomorrow.  I'm trying to space them apart so that they will continue to pop up throughout the day and will then hopefully put up some of my "creations" every day.

Here are a couple pictures of some of the purses that I've made:

I'm a little nervous - not sure how my items will be received, but at the same time II'm also very excited to start this new adventure and see where it leads.

Please feel free to tell your family and friends about my shop - I won't mind! =)

Even if you don't want to buy anything, please take a look and let me know what you think - I'd appreciate any critiques that you might have!

Good night and sweet dreams!